Monday, May 3, 2010


"What I’m trying to single out with this term is, and foremost, a thoroughly heterogeneous set of consisting of discourses, institution, architectural forms, regulatory decisions, laws, administrative measures, scientific statements, philosophical, moral, and philanthropic prepositions…The apparatus itself is the network that can be established between these elements (2)."

A question I had when I watched the movie this time around was what was at stake in that the network in Pandora was far more literal than in ways that many theorized for the class.

What does it mean that a 'skywalker' is nature chosen one? Does it re-inforce the violence which Derrida critiques in Levi-Straus? Or rather does it does it privilege immanence Derrida introduces in the plane of sameness through the sudden contingencies of Jake being in an Avatar, and preferring it.

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